First Tamworths

Project Info

Project Description

When we lived in the leafy suburbs of Didsbury in Manchester and, our garden was only big enough for a chicken coop, a gravel garden and some wooden decking.  We could only dream of rearing pigs.  We visited various country shows and getting our own Tamworth pigs was the first thing we wanted to do upon buying a house with some land.

After a year’s search for the right place in the country, we bought our own paradise, Axe Edge Green Farm. We suddenly found ourselves in a position to have a variety of different animals. Pigs were definitely going to be the first ones to join our smallholding!

Why Tamworth Pigs?  They look beautiful, have great sociable personalities, and we are helping to preserve this old British breed. The day they arrived was full of laughter and happiness, and they provide us with just that every single day.  We keep our Tamworths for pedigree breeding and also to provide us with superb tender pork.

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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